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SphereFace pre-trained on CASIA

Index: HOME / CASIA / SphereFace

We inverted 100 labels using GMI / PGGAN / MIRROR (ours) in the white-box settings and using AMI / MIRROR (ours) in the black-box settings. Click the following link to see the results of each label.

7 23 44 50 62 64 70 80 86 87

90 91 94 95 96 102 106 107 111 112

113 116 119 122 129 132 135 140 146 153

154 156 160 163 164 168 171 173 176 179

180 189 197 203 204 205 206 212 213 223

224 230 241 242 252 259 268 270 272 273

274 277 280 281 282 286 287 289 292 293

296 297 299 302 303 309 310 312 313 317

318 320 321 322 324 326 328 329 331 332

334 335 336 338 344 346 347 352 353 368